How is it that every time I have an idea for a blog (or a YouTube video for that matter), I don't have a way to write it down or am near a computer? I am not one to type too much on my phone or tablets. I just hate the keyboards. I do have a Bluetooth keyboard I used to use for my iPad when I was out for work and needed to type an email or something that required more than a few words. Don't let me fool you I am not a great typist on a keyboard. So on a side note typer is not a word. The red squiggly line is how I just found that out. I figured someone who types is a typer and someone who types professionally was a typist. But I am neither. and my handwriting is not great either, but I can read it so that is what matters in this context. I can sit with a spiral notebook and hand write a few paragraphs; free writing what is on my head much faster than with a phone keyboard. Or type free form like I am doing right now on a computer. well not really free writing because I am correcting errors as I type. I could let the spelling errors go and fix them later, but capitalization is what is getting me. This is because Firefox's spellcheck is just that a spell checker, not a grammar checker so if I type i instead of I it does not catch it, or if I miss a comma or forget to capitalize the beginning of a sentence.
OK, I decided that I would just type it up in Blogger and then copy and paste it into Grammarly. It is said that we have come to rely on spell and grammar checkers. but when I watch YouTube ads for Grammarly I find it troubling that the whole writing process is going to AI. and if you are reading my blog you can see I do use AI but as an experiment. I want to know what they can do and how they compare. and just have fun with them.
They do have a use as a search engine. I have noticed with Meta's AI that by default it gives you links to where it got its information. I have not deep-dived into the links for accuracy (yet). with Chat GPT you generally need to ask it for references. and sometimes they are fictional. leave your thoughts on AI in the comments.
So back to what I was originally writing about. I tend to have ideas I would like to write about:
a) as I am driving
b) in bed
c) in the shower
d) sitting in the living room watching something
the shower and driving I can't do anything about, and for in bed even if I did keep a notebook on the bed stand I would need light, and that messes with trying to go to sleep. That leaves the living room. I should keep a notebook (and a decent pen) next to my chair in the living room.
and I can't stand talking to my phone to make notes. The only time I use the voice AI on my phone is to call someone while driving. and I do have a Wake word setup on my Amazon tablet, it does have the "Alexa" Wake word setup. and it is funny because I will react to videos I am watching when someone says "Alexa" or anything that sounds similar. It is literally talking to itself.
so that is where I will leave it for now. in the next blog maybe I will go over the tools I use when writing. for now, I will leave it and edit it a little later.
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