Monday, May 20, 2024

How to Blog

 How is it that every time I have an idea for a blog (or a YouTube video for that matter), I don't have a way to write it down or am near a computer? I am not one to type too much on my phone or tablets. I  just hate the keyboardsI do have a Bluetooth keyboard I used to use for my iPad when I was out for work and needed to type an email or something that required more than a few words. Don't let me fool you I  am not a great typist on a keyboard. So on a side note typer is not a word. The red squiggly line is how I just found that out. I figured someone who types is a typer and someone who types professionally was a typist. But I am neitherand my handwriting is not great either, but I can read it so that is what matters in this context. I can sit with a spiral notebook and hand write a few paragraphs; free writing what is on my head much faster than with a phone keyboard. Or type free form like I am doing right now on a computerwell not really free writing because I am correcting errors as I type. I could let the spelling errors go and fix them later, but capitalization is what is getting meThis is because Firefox's spellcheck is just that a spell checker, not a grammar checker so if I type i instead of I it does not catch it, or if I miss a comma or forget to capitalize the beginning of a sentence. 

OK, I decided that I would just type it up in Blogger and then copy and paste it into Grammarly. It is said that we have come to rely on spell and grammar checkersbut when I watch YouTube ads for Grammarly I find it troubling that the whole writing process is going to AI. and if you are reading my blog you can see I do use AI but as an experiment. I want to know what they can do and how they compareand just have fun with them. 

They do have a use as a search engineI have noticed with Meta's AI that by default it gives you links to where it got its information. I have not deep-dived into the links for accuracy (yet).  with Chat GPT you generally need to ask it for referencesand sometimes they are fictionalleave your thoughts on AI in the comments.

So back to what I was originally writing about. I tend to have ideas I would like to write about:

a) as I am driving

b) in bed

c) in the shower

d) sitting in the living room watching something

the shower and driving I can't do anything about, and for in bed even if I did keep a notebook on the bed stand I would need light, and that messes with trying to go to sleep. That leaves the living room. I should keep a notebook (and a decent pen) next to my chair in the living room.

and  I can't stand talking to my phone to make notesThe only time I use the voice AI on my phone is to call someone while driving. and I do have a Wake word setup on my Amazon tablet, it does have the "Alexa" Wake word setupand it is funny because I will react to videos I am watching when someone says "Alexa" or anything that sounds similar. It is literally talking to itself.

so that is where I will leave it for nowin the next blog maybe I will go over the tools I use when writing.  for now, I will leave it and edit it a little later.

Check Out My YouTube Channel

Friday, May 3, 2024

What does Meta AI think of this Blog

I asked Meta AI (within WhatsApp to analyze this my blog by gust giving the base URL for it. this is what I Got:


 The website  appears to be a personal blog hosted on Blogger, a free blogging platform. Here's a detailed description of the website:


The blog contains a collection of posts, most of which are short and concise. The content is quite varied, with no specific theme or focus. Some posts include:

1. Random thoughts and musings
2. Personal experiences and stories
3. Quotes and inspirational messages
4. Humorous anecdotes and jokes
5. Brief articles on various topics like technology, science, and current events

*Language and Writing Style:*

The blog is written in English, with a casual and informal tone. The writing style is conversational, with a touch of humor and wit. The author seems to be writing for a general audience, without any specialized knowledge or expertise.

*Design and Layout:*

The blog uses a simple, default Blogger template with a white background and a basic layout. There are no customizations or unique design elements. The focus is on the content rather than the presentation.

*Features and Functionality:*

The blog has the standard Blogger features, including:

1. A sidebar with a profile, archives, and labels
2. A comment section for reader engagement
3. Social media sharing buttons
4. A search bar for finding specific posts

*Author and Purpose:*

The author of the blog is not explicitly stated, but it appears to be a personal blog for self-expression and sharing thoughts with others. The purpose is likely to connect with like-minded individuals, share ideas, and document personal experiences.


The blog (link unavailable) is a personal and casual online journal, where the author shares their thoughts, experiences, and interests. It's a simple and straightforward blog without any specific focus or expertise, but it can be an enjoyable read for those interested in personal stories and musings.

 Check Out My YouTube Channel



Sunday, April 21, 2024

Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT: A Comprehensive Guide to YouTube Video Creation

Introduction to ChatGPT for YouTube Video Creation:

Are you tired of staring at a blank screen, struggling to come up with content ideas for your YouTube videos? Do you find yourself spending hours writing and rewriting scripts, trying to make them engaging and interesting?

If so, you're not alone. Creating content can be a challenge, even for the most experienced YouTubers. But what if there was a tool that could help you generate ideas and scripts in a matter of minutes? That's where ChatGPT comes in.

ChatGPT is a powerful language model developed by OpenAI, based on the GPT-3.5 architecture. It uses artificial intelligence to generate human-like text based on a given prompt. This means that you can ask ChatGPT for content ideas, and it will come up with a list of suggestions based on your topic.

But ChatGPT isn't just for generating ideas. It can also help you write scripts for your YouTube videos. Simply give it a topic, and it will generate a script for you, complete with engaging language and interesting facts.

So how does ChatGPT work? Essentially, it's trained on a massive dataset of text from the internet, which allows it to understand language and generate human-like responses. When you give it a prompt, it uses its understanding of language to generate a response that's relevant and coherent.

Of course, like any tool, ChatGPT isn't perfect. Sometimes its responses can be a little off-topic, or it might generate text that's not quite what you were looking for. But with a little tweaking and editing, you can turn its suggestions into high-quality content for your YouTube channel.

In summary, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can help you generate content ideas and write scripts for your YouTube videos. With its artificial intelligence capabilities, it can save you time and effort, allowing you to focus on creating engaging content for your viewers. Give it a try, and see how it can transform your content creation process.

How to Generate YouTube Video Ideas with ChatGPT:

YouTube has become one of the most popular platforms for content creators to showcase their talent, build their audience, and earn a living. However, coming up with fresh and exciting video ideas can be a daunting task. This is where ChatGPT comes in - a powerful tool that uses artificial intelligence to generate creative ideas and scripts for YouTube videos.

In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of using ChatGPT to generate YouTube video ideas and refine them to find the best ones for your channel.

Step 1: Sign up for ChatGPT

To get started, you'll need to sign up for ChatGPT. Once you've created your account, you'll be able to access the tool's features and start generating video ideas.

Step 2: Enter Your Topic

The first step is to enter a general topic or keyword related to your YouTube channel. This could be anything from "cooking" to "video games" to "travel." ChatGPT will then use its machine learning algorithms to generate a list of related ideas.

Step 3: Filter and Refine Your Ideas

Once you have a list of generated ideas, it's time to filter and refine them to find the best ones for your channel. You can do this by selecting the ideas that are most relevant to your niche, have the most potential to go viral, or align with your brand's values and mission.

Step 4: Create a Script

Once you've chosen the best ideas for your channel, it's time to start creating your video script. ChatGPT can also help with this by generating a script for you based on the idea you've chosen. You can then modify and customize the script to fit your style and tone.

Step 5: Create Your Video

Now that you have your script, it's time to create your video. With ChatGPT, you'll be able to generate ideas and scripts quickly and easily, allowing you to focus on the creative aspect of video production.

In conclusion, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can help YouTube creators generate new and exciting video ideas. By using this tool, creators can streamline their content creation process, allowing them to focus on the creative aspects of video production. If you're struggling to come up with new ideas for your YouTube channel, give ChatGPT a try and see what ideas it can generate for you!

How to Write YouTube Video Scripts with ChatGPT:

As a YouTube creator, coming up with ideas for your videos can be challenging, and writing a script that engages your audience can be even more difficult. But what if you could get help with generating ideas and writing scripts from an AI-powered tool that learns from vast amounts of data? Enter ChatGPT.
ChatGPT is a natural language processing AI model developed by OpenAI, capable of generating human-like text based on the input provided to it. With the help of ChatGPT, you can generate ideas and write scripts for your YouTube videos with ease. In this blog post, we'll explore how to use ChatGPT to write YouTube video scripts.

Step 1: Input the Topic or Idea

To generate a script with ChatGPT, start by inputting the topic or idea for your video. You can do this by typing the topic or idea into the text box provided on the ChatGPT website or interface. For example, if you want to create a video on "How to Make a Delicious Pizza at Home," you can input that as your topic.

Step 2: Choose the Prompt

After inputting your topic, you will be presented with a list of prompts generated by ChatGPT. These prompts can be used to help generate ideas for your video or serve as the foundation for your script. Choose the prompt that best aligns with your video topic or idea.

Step 3: Refine and Edit

Once you have chosen a prompt, you can start to refine and edit the generated text to fit your video's purpose and audience. ChatGPT is excellent at generating text, but it's up to you to ensure that the script is coherent and engaging. You can add or remove text, change the structure, and modify the tone of the script to fit your needs.

Step 4: Review and Finalize

After refining and editing the generated text, review the script to ensure that it's coherent, engaging, and fits the purpose of your video. Make any final adjustments or edits, then finalize the script.

In conclusion, ChatGPT is an excellent tool for YouTube creators looking to generate ideas and write scripts for their videos. It's essential to remember that ChatGPT is an AI model and not a replacement for your creativity and expertise as a content creator. Use ChatGPT to help you generate ideas and guide your scriptwriting process, but always remember to add your unique touch to make your content stand out.

ChatGPT vs. Traditional Research for YouTube Video Creation:

When it comes to creating content for YouTube, coming up with ideas and writing scripts can be a time-consuming and challenging process. In the past, creators relied on traditional research methods, such as reading books, watching videos, and conducting interviews, to gather information and generate ideas. However, with the advancements in technology, there is now a new tool available that can help simplify this process: ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI that is capable of generating human-like responses to text prompts. It uses deep learning algorithms to analyze large amounts of data and generate responses based on patterns and trends in the data. This technology can be applied to a variety of tasks, including generating ideas and scripts for YouTube videos.
In this blog post, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of using ChatGPT versus traditional research methods for YouTube video creation.

Advantages of Using ChatGPT

Speed: One of the most significant advantages of using ChatGPT is speed. Traditional research methods can be time-consuming, requiring hours of reading, watching, and interviewing. ChatGPT, on the other hand, can generate ideas and scripts in a matter of minutes, saving creators valuable time and resources.

Creativity: ChatGPT is not limited by human biases or preconceptions, which means it can generate unique and creative ideas that humans may not have considered. This can help creators stand out from their competitors and create content that is fresh and engaging.

Consistency: ChatGPT is also consistent in its output, which means it can generate ideas and scripts that are coherent and well-structured. This can help creators avoid writer's block and ensure that their content is of a high quality.

Disadvantages of Using ChatGPT

Lack of Context: While ChatGPT is capable of generating responses based on patterns and trends in the data, it may not always understand the context of a particular topic or idea. This can result in responses that are inaccurate or inappropriate.

Limited Input: ChatGPT can only generate responses based on the input it receives. If the input is not well-formulated or contains errors, the output may also be flawed. This means that creators must be careful when inputting prompts to ensure that the responses are relevant and accurate.

Over-reliance: Another potential disadvantage of using ChatGPT is over-reliance. While it can be a useful tool for generating ideas and scripts, creators should not rely on it exclusively. Traditional research methods, such as reading and interviewing, can still provide valuable insights and perspectives.

Tips for Using ChatGPT in Conjunction with Traditional Research Methods

Use a combination of methods: Creators should use a combination of traditional research methods and ChatGPT to generate ideas and scripts. This will ensure that they have a well-rounded perspective and can produce content that is accurate, informative, and engaging.

Refine the output: Creators should refine the output generated by ChatGPT to ensure that it is relevant and accurate. This can be done by filtering the results and removing any responses that are not relevant or appropriate.

Verify the information: Creators should verify the information generated by ChatGPT using traditional research methods. This will help ensure that the information is accurate and up-to-date.


In conclusion, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can be used to generate ideas and scripts for YouTube videos. While it has its advantages, it is not without its disadvantages, and creators should be aware of these when using the tool. By using a combination of traditional research methods and ChatGPT, creators can ensure that their content is accurate, informative, and engaging.

Advanced Techniques for Using ChatGPT for YouTube Video Creation:

ChatGPT is a powerful language model that can be used to generate content ideas and scripts for YouTube videos. While the basics of using ChatGPT are relatively straightforward, there are several advanced techniques that can help users get even more out of this powerful tool. In this blog post, we will explore some of these advanced techniques and provide tips for using ChatGPT effectively for YouTube video creation.

Using multiple prompts

One of the most powerful features of ChatGPT is its ability to generate suggestions based on a single prompt. However, using multiple prompts can help users generate even more varied and interesting ideas. For example, if you are creating a video about technology, you could try using prompts such as "latest tech trends," "upcoming technology releases," and "future of technology." By combining these prompts, you can generate a wide range of ideas that may not have been possible with a single prompt.

Adjusting the temperature and top-p

ChatGPT generates suggestions based on a combination of its training data and the input provided by the user. By adjusting the temperature and top-p parameters, users can control the creativity and randomness of the suggestions generated by ChatGPT. For example, setting the temperature to a lower value will result in more conservative and predictable suggestions, while setting it to a higher value will result in more creative and surprising suggestions.

Similarly, adjusting the top-p parameter can help users control the diversity of the suggestions generated by ChatGPT. Setting the top-p value to a lower value will result in more common and predictable suggestions, while setting it to a higher value will result in more varied and surprising suggestions.

Combining ChatGPT with other tools

While ChatGPT is a powerful tool for generating ideas and scripts for YouTube videos, it is not the only tool available. By combining ChatGPT with other research tools such as Google Trends, Buzzsumo, and social media analytics, users can generate even more targeted and effective content ideas.

For example, by using Google Trends to identify trending topics and keywords, users can generate prompts that are more likely to generate interest and engagement from their target audience. Similarly, by using Buzzsumo to identify popular content in their niche, users can identify gaps in the market and generate content ideas that are more likely to stand out.


ChatGPT is a powerful tool for generating ideas and scripts for YouTube videos, but it is only as effective as the techniques used to leverage its power. By using multiple prompts, adjusting the temperature and top-p parameters, and combining ChatGPT with other research tools, users can generate more varied, creative, and effective content ideas for their YouTube channels. With these advanced techniques, users can take their YouTube video creation to the next level and stand out in a crowded online marketplace.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Labor, Land, Tax, & Profit

 I was going to write a different blog post when I realized I was going on a tangent. I think I need to explain my thinking first.

I have been exploring the concept of inflation and I was trying to figure out if it was the products(materials) or labor that was causing the increases in prices. In this blog post, I hope to conceptual deep dive into what it takes to get the products we buy to market.

“If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe” - Carl Sagan. I am not going to go down to the atomic or subatomic level, but I am going to go with the premise that there are four elements that go into the cost of the items we purchase. These are labor, land, tax, and of course profit. I am going to show how each of these plays a role and how some overlap.

Labor may seem like an obvious element for the production of a product. In cost accounting, we look at both direct and indirect labor when calculating the cost of goods (sold) manufactured. But labor costs go beyond that. There is the labor for marketing/advertising, selling, and administrative expenses for running the business. What if I told you that labor goes deeper than that? Let's consider the labor that goes into the raw materials that are used to make the product. For this example, we are going to assume that the product uses lumber that is delivered as a main raw material. Labor (and all 4 elements) goes into the cost of the lumber. There is the cost to have the lumber loaded on the truck, the labor to deliver the lumber, and the labor for the vendor to offload the lumber from their supplier's trucks. Now let's take into account other labor for this supplier. What about their clerk who schedules the deliveries, the worker who cleans their warehouse, the worker who maintains their fleet of trucks, the salesperson's salary, and so on? And this goes all the way back through the supply chain to the lumberjack that fell the tree.

And this concept does not just go towards the labor for materials. All four of these elements go towards anything that adds cost to the product, either as a direct cost or as they call it in cost accounting “factory overhead”. So what about the factory? What labor costs does the buildings and facilities a business use have? There are somewhat obvious labor costs like the cost to maintain the building: like plumbers, painters, gardeners, etc. but what about the labor cost to build the building? These labor costs don’t just include the people swinging hammers, but all the labor for the builder's administrative expenses, the inherent labor costs of the materials used (as I demonstrated in the paragraph above), and the inherent labor in the machinery used to build the building.

So, what about machinery? Let's go back to that original product that we were discussing. That product used lumber as a main material. But tools are needed to transform the lumber into the end product. So we can assume some type of saw is needed. There are labor costs that the company pays because of that saw. They need someone to purchase the saw. If it is a big saw they need someone to unload it. For safety, the person or people that operate that saw need to be trained. Now let's dive deeper. The cost of the saw has labor built-in. and these are similar (if not the same) costs as the lumber. And labor is a factor all the way back into the supply chain to the miner that dug up the iron ore used in the saw blade.

Now that we covered labor and inherited labor, let's look and land. At first glance when thinking of land we think of the property that the business occupies. If the business owns the land then the purchase price of the property is the land. We already discussed how the labor is associated with any buildings on that land. So the purchase price is not just land. It is labor, taxes, and profit too. Even if the business rests, the property land is still a factor. Now what about that lumber? Obviously, those trees needed land to grow, but what about all the other steps in the supply chain? The company that the business purchased the lumber from needed land for their warehouses and facilities; and this goes for each of the businesses from the sprouted tree to the end product. And what about the machinery used by all of these companies, the manufacturing, sale, and resale of that saw we mentioned needed land? This started with that iron ore mine all the way to the saw blade used to cut the lumber. And each of these companies has tools and equipment that need land (and all 4 factors). It is a supply web rather than a supply chain.

‘Tis impossible to be sure of anything but death and taxes’ - Christopher Bullock 1716. For our discussion taxes are any government fee. This can include property, sales, or labor taxes, but it can include regulatory and licensing fees. So, that land we mentioned in the paragraph above most likely has property taxes imposed on it. And this goes to any land that is used in the supply chain (or supply web). And that labor probably has payroll and income taxes associated with them. Unless they are using off-the-books labor, but we will assume they are doing everything legally. Now what about any business licenses? Or the fees paid to the Department of Motor Vehicles for the trucks they use? And what about the profit that we have not discussed yet? So the other three elements have something in common; taxes! Now let's dig into those taxes. So every string on the supply web has taxes just like they have labor and land, but do taxes have labor and land? They do; governments are run by people who have salaries. And governments also have land for their facilities. And while someone holds the deed to the land that the businesses in the supply web are on, does the municipality, state, and/or country own the land within their borders? Even if they don’t own it they exert a level of control over that land.

And then there is profit. We won’t go into gross profit vs net profit. But we will touch on profit before and after taxes. Just like land and labor of taxes, so does profit. If you purchase this hypothetical product we are discussing the company that sold it to you is expecting a profit. And the companies that hired the lumberjack and miner expect a profit. And so does every middle man (or middle woman) in between.  And each of these companies serves a purpose (hopefully) in the supply web. It would not be practical for the end company to chop down, mill, and transport their own trees. Or to mine, refine, and fabricate their own saw blades. Companies try to reduce or eliminate costs when possible. But they can’t do everything (unless they are a multi-billion dollar conglomerate ).

Do you agree with me on these four factors? Are there any other factors that I omitted? Which factor do you think is the most responsible for prices to continue to increase?

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Cost Accounting

 # Understanding Cost Accounting: Unveiling the Financial Backbone of Businesses

In the complex world of finance, where every penny counts, cost accounting stands as a pivotal process. It is the unsung hero behind the curtains of many successful businesses, aiding in informed decision-making and ensuring optimal resource allocation. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve deep into the world of cost accounting, exploring its essence, methods, and why it matters.

## **Chapter 1: The Foundation of Cost Accounting**

Cost accounting is a specialized branch of accounting that focuses on tracking, recording, and analyzing costs associated with business operations. Its primary objective is to provide detailed insights into the cost structure of a company, allowing for efficient cost management and strategic planning.

### **1.1 Cost Types**

In cost accounting, costs are classified into several categories:

#### **1.1.1 Direct Costs**

Direct costs are expenses that can be directly traced to a specific product, project, or activity. For example, the cost of raw materials used in manufacturing a product is a direct cost.

#### **1.1.2 Indirect Costs**

Indirect costs, also known as overhead costs, are expenses that cannot be traced directly to a particular product but are incurred to support overall business operations. Examples include rent, utilities, and administrative salaries.

#### **1.1.3 Variable Costs**

Variable costs fluctuate with changes in production or activity levels. These costs increase as production or activity increases and decrease as they decrease. Examples include the cost of materials used in production and hourly wages for temporary workers.

#### **1.1.4 Fixed Costs**

Fixed costs remain constant regardless of changes in production or activity levels. These costs must be paid even if the business is not producing anything. Examples include rent for office space and the salaries of permanent employees.

### **1.2 Cost Accounting Methods**

To achieve its objectives, cost accounting employs various methods, including:

#### **1.2.1 Job Order Costing**

Job order costing is used when products or services are produced in response to specific customer orders or contracts. Costs are tracked for each job or order separately. This method is common in industries like custom manufacturing and construction.

#### **1.2.2 Process Costing**

Process costing is used when products are produced in a continuous, mass production environment. Costs are averaged over all units produced during a specific time period. This method is common in industries like food processing and chemical manufacturing.

#### **1.2.3 Activity-Based Costing (ABC)**

ABC assigns costs to activities, and then these costs are traced to products, services, or customers based on their usage of these activities. ABC provides a more accurate way of allocating indirect costs and is beneficial in complex business environments.

## **Chapter 2: The Significance of Cost Accounting**

### **2.1 Informed Decision-Making**

Cost accounting equips businesses with the data needed to make informed decisions. Managers can analyze the cost structure of different products or services, helping them determine which offerings are profitable and which require adjustments or discontinuation.

### **2.2 Pricing Strategies**

Cost accounting plays a crucial role in pricing strategies. By understanding the costs associated with producing goods or delivering services, businesses can set competitive prices while ensuring profitability.

### **2.3 Budgeting and Planning**

Budgeting relies heavily on cost accounting data. It enables companies to allocate resources effectively, set achievable financial goals, and monitor performance against these objectives.

### **2.4 Performance Evaluation**

Cost accounting helps in evaluating the performance of various departments, products, or projects within an organization. It aids in identifying areas of improvement and optimizing resource utilization.

## **Chapter 3: Cost Accounting in Action**

### **3.1 Manufacturing Industry**

In the manufacturing sector, cost accounting is paramount. It helps in:

- Determining the cost of producing each unit of a product.
- Analyzing variances between actual and budgeted costs.
- Evaluating the efficiency of production processes.

### **3.2 Service Industry**

Even in service-oriented businesses, cost accounting is essential. It assists in:

- Allocating indirect costs, such as administrative expenses, across different services.
- Setting service prices based on the cost of delivering them.
- Identifying areas where cost reductions can be made without compromising service quality.

## **Chapter 4: Modern Trends in Cost Accounting**

Cost accounting has evolved significantly over the years, and modern trends continue to shape its landscape. Some of these trends include:

### **4.1 Technology Integration**

The advent of accounting software and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems has streamlined cost accounting processes. Automation reduces errors, enhances data accuracy, and provides real-time insights.

### **4.2 Sustainability Accounting**

As sustainability becomes a central concern for businesses, cost accounting now includes the measurement and analysis of environmental and social costs. This helps organizations make sustainable decisions and report on their environmental impact.

### **4.3 Predictive Analytics**

With the power of data analytics, cost accountants can now forecast future costs more accurately. Predictive analytics helps in proactive cost management and risk mitigation.

## **Chapter 5: Challenges in Cost Accounting**

Despite its many benefits, cost accounting is not without challenges:

### **5.1 Overhead Allocation**

Allocating indirect costs can be complex and may lead to misinterpretations if not done accurately.

### **5.2 Rapid Technological Changes**

The rapid pace of technological advancements requires constant updates and adjustments in cost accounting methods.

### **5.3 Data Security**

As cost accounting relies heavily on data, maintaining data security and privacy is of utmost importance.

## **Chapter 6: Conclusion**

In conclusion, cost accounting is the backbone of financial decision-making for businesses across various industries. It empowers organizations to understand their cost structures, make strategic choices, and thrive in competitive markets. As technology continues to evolve, cost accounting will adapt, providing even greater insights and value to businesses worldwide. Embracing cost accounting is not merely an option; it is a necessity for sustainable growth and success in today's business landscape.

So, whether you're a business owner, manager, or aspiring accountant, understanding cost accounting is key to unlocking the financial potential of any organization.

Monday, July 31, 2023

The Evolution of Learning: From College Classrooms to AI Education

I was browsing through YouTube and came across a video from a young woman from Russia. In this video, she discussed how she had applied to university and was not accepted. Then she said she was not done learning. This is not a new idea of learning outside of formal education. I did start thinking about how learning has changed over time. Here in 2023 you can go online and find what you want to learn. This could be learning how to fix your car, a hobby, etc. But, you can learn many things that are traditionally taught in a college classroom. During the Covid-19 pandemic college professors and grade school teachers discovered that many of their lesson topics had online academic articles and YouTube videos. Because they were trying to transition their classroom lessons to a remote learning environment. Why create their own videos or printed material when the material already existed online? There is nothing wrong with that, the student still received the information (in many cases) and the educator did not need to recreate the wheel. A side effect of this is that in many cases this information is sharable. I actually learned several subjects from class material of classes my friends had shared with me. In some instances, I was able to use these resources for my own classes, and I can assume my friends could have used what I shared for their classes. And no these were not the same classes, None of us were enrolled in the same college. But a history class on labor in the United States and a psychology class on industrial psychology have overlapping material. Recently I was discussing organic chemistry with someone, and they asked when I took organic chemistry. I have not taken that subject (or any college-level chemistry class), but a friend of mine did and they shared the class material with me. I continue to learn even when not in school. and there are whole YouTube channels dedicated to educating. Some have been around for years like CrashCourse and others have emerged from the pandemic. These traditional educators who had to create online material for their classes have realized that they could share this material online, and in some cases even make some money off of it.

A college degree is a key to getting past a barrier of entry. In many professions, once you have your first job in your career path, they don't care where you went to college. Some employers don't care if you have a diploma if you have relevant job experience. now this is not to say jobs that require a degree would overlook it, such as lawyers and accountants. A computer programmer with a decent portfolio and a good job history may be more valuable than a computer science graduate looking for their first job. A college degree shows more than that you learned a subject. it shows that you have learned a broad range of subjects. it also shows you have the discipline needed to get a degree. 

If I look back at the history of learning, I wonder how advancements in technology and teaching affected past barriers of entry.  Big ones that come to mind are things like the printing press. Books and the written word becomes less scarce. More people have access to the written word and are able to read. As the written word becomes more accessible, formal grammar and spelling increase. this reduces ambiguity in written communication. with so many languages and regional dialects, this still occurs to this day, but it is reduced. another advancement is transportation. As people are able to move through the world, so does knowledge. The movement of knowledge is the backbone of education. The internet is a prime example of this. Many see the internet as the end-all of this movement of knowledge. But, the internet evolves. The way knowledge is spread on the internet changes. Now the new game changer is AI, or is it?

What AI can do is amazing, but what is new is how assessable it is. What we call AI is not set in stone. Is the spelling and grammar checking I am doing right now with Grammarly AI? Was the spell check I used with Word Perfect 25 years ago AI? What has changed is the data set that these new products have. Another new thing is the level of automation. If I wanted I could take this blog when I am done writing it and feed it into Bard or ChatGPT and have it rewritten to be more SEO-friendly. I do this with my YouTube titles and descriptions. I have written whole blogs with these websites while I tested them.  The next question is can AI produce consumable knowledge? As I have tested these two sites I have discovered that when it does not have the information it could do two different things. it could tell you that it is beyond its capabilities. or it could make stuff up.  If this is not a disturbing human trait that AI has learned, I don't know what is. Sometimes the incorrect information is clearly incorrect and it is clear that the AI misunderstood the request. the biggest thing it makes up is references. it can make formal citations look legit. But, if you don't check the primary source you may be in for a rude awaking.  sometimes it is dead links, other times it points to something that is not relevant.  Will we get to the point where AI is teaching us (reliably)? and will we lose the ability to teach? I am not even discussing the loss of employment of educators. AI can assist in distributing knowledge, but I don't feel it can generate new knowledge.  Will AI search for a new insect and discover how it interacts with its environment? or explore the universe?  I do not doubt that AI can be programmed to use a telescope and find new celestial bodies, but will it be able to analyze what it means?

So how do you learn?

How do you see learning evolving?

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Google Bard - and Hamlet

In a previous post I asked ChatGPT to rewrite Hamlet in the style of John Green.
So, now that i have access to Google's Bard, I asked it the same thing.
Here is the response:

Sure. Here is a rewrite of Hamlet in the style of John Green:

So here's the deal: Claudius killed my dad, and my mom married him, and I'm pretty sure he's going to kill me too. So I'm going to pretend to be crazy, and I'm going to see if I can catch him in the act. And then, I'm going to kill him.

But it's not going to be easy. Claudius is a smart dude, and he's not going to let me get away with it. Plus, my mom is in on it, and she's not going to let me hurt her husband.

But I'm not going to give up. I'm going to avenge my dad's death, and I'm going to do it right.

Here's the thing: I'm not really sure what I'm doing. I'm just a kid, and I'm way over my head. But I have to do something. I can't just sit back and let Claudius get away with this.

So I'm going to keep fighting. I'm going to keep trying to outsmart Claudius. And I'm going to keep trying to save my mom.

And maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to do it.

But even if I don't, I'm not going to go down without a fight. I'm going to make Claudius pay for what he did.

And that's the promise I make to my dad.

take a look at both responses and let me know what you think.